TPC Honors Longtime Board Member Nancy Chudacoff

Posted: Monday, January 11, 2016

NancyChudacoff_webAs part of the Association of Fundraising Professionals Rhode Island's National Philanthropy Day, The Providence Center honored attorney Nancy Chudacoff, Esq. last fall for over two decades of service on TPC’s Board of Trustees.

In addition to her current role of Vice Chair, Chudacoff has served on TPC’s Board since 1993 in numerous leadership capacities including Board Secretary, Chair of the Finance Committee and member of the Patient Care Committee. TPC greatly appreciates her countless hours of commitment to furthering its mission to provide innovative mental health and substance use services to the community.

Pictured: Chudacoff and her husband, Howard, with TPC's Deb O'Brien and Lisa Desbiens.